Niklas Goldbach.
Curated by Julia Draganović and Claudia Löffelholz
Centro Videoinsight® in Torin, in collaboration with Galleria Bianconi, Milan and LaRete Art Projects, presents the first solo exhibition by Niklas Goldbach in Italy. The German artist mainly uses video and photography as his media. His work looks at man in relation to his social and environmental contexts. The protagonist of his videos is the individual, usually presented in ironic multiplications, that lead to a profound reflection on the nature of human behavior and on society's mechanisms for standardisation, which in turn conceal a wide range of different roles that create hierarchies and power plays. Goldbach's characters almost always wear white shirts and black pants and are shown in domestic, urban and natural environments that are steeped in iconographic and cinematographic references. The selection of works in Torin focuses on the main aspects of Goldbach's research: the human being, his inner life and the pressures of society and the environment, the dynamics of power and the role of the artist. On display will be four videos that illustrate the artist's work in a significant manner: Bel Air, an inner journey that has to do with the theme of roles and human behaviour, inspired by the language of cinema, The Nature of Things, a tableau vivant about human reactions to the trials of life, Ten, a representation of games and the mechanisms of power, and a video installation, On Spirals, a quotation from a work by Dan Graham, which in this case reflects on the figure of the artist and on the work of art and its value in society today.
Centro Videoinsight®, Torin | 11/10>21/12/2012 | ► [catalogo]